Are You Experienced?

¿Tienes Experiencia?

If you can just get your mind together,
then come on across to me.
We'll hold hands and then we'll watch
the sunrise from the bottom of the sea.
But first,
>Si puedes ordenar tus ideas
>entonces ven hacia a mí.
>Nos cogeremos de la mano y contemplaremos
>la salida del sol desde el fondo del mar.
>Pero, primero,
are you experienced?
Have you ever been experienced?
Well, I have.
>¿tienes experiencia?
>¿Has tenido alguna experiencia?
>Bueno, yo sí la tengo.
I know, I know you'll probably scream and cry,
that your little world won't let you go.
But who in your measly little world
are you tryin' to prove that
you're made out of gold and can't be sold?
>Ya sé, ya sé que probablemente gritarás y llorarás,
>que tu pequeño mundo no te dejará ir.
>Pero, ¿a quién en tu mezquino pequeño mundo
>tratas de demostrar que
>estás hecha de oro y no te pueden comprar?
>Así que,
Repeat chorus
Al estribillo
Let me prove it to you.>Déjame demostrártelo.
Trumpets and violins I can hear in the distance.
I think they're callin' our names.
Maybe now you can't hear them, but you will,
if you just take hold of my hand.
>Trompetas y violines oigo en la lejanía.
>Creo que nos están llamando.
>Quizás ahora no puedas oírlos, pero podrás
>si me tomas la mano.
But are you experienced?
Have you ever been experienced?
Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful.
>Pero, ¿tienes experiencia?
>¿Has tenido alguna experiencia?
>No precisamente colocado, pero hermosa.