Fool like You

Un Tonto como Tú

I hear you breathing though you're so far away.
Can you just go where you're going to?
I couldn't give a damn or two about a fool like you.
That's true.
>Aunque estás muy lejos, oigo tu respiración.
>Haz de una vez lo que tengas que hacer.
>Me importa un bledo o dos un tonto como tú.
>Es cierto.
Are you just too cool? No, you're just perfectly cold.
And what goes 'round still comes around.
I think it's all summed up and down in a fool like you.
That's true.
>¿Eres demasiado bueno? No, eres totalmente insulso.
>Y lo que se siembra, se cosecha.
>Creo que está todo bien claro con un tonto como tú.
>Es cierto.
Today is just another day.
You hold your ticket into nowhere.
It's up to you if you'll stay
and turn your days into a nightmare.
>Hoy es otro día más.
>Tienes un billete a ninguna parte.
>Tú decides si vas a quedarte
>y convertir tu vida en una pesadilla
You think you know it, you think you know it all,
but you don't even have a clue.
And control is still in view for a fool like you.
That's true.
>Crees que sabes, crees que lo sabes todo,
>pero no tienes ni la más mínima idea.
>Y aún piensa en tener el mando un tonto como tú.
>Es cierto.
Is there a reason for the way that you are,
or does it just come naturally?
To have an idiosyncrasy and be a fool like you.
That's true.
>¿Hay una explicación para tu forma de ser,
>o eres así por naturaleza?
>Tener extravagancias y ser un tonto como tú.
>Es cierto.
You're hearing what you want to hear.
Misunderstanding all you see.
An attitude in all of us.
Is it really you and me?
>Oyes lo que quieres oír.
>Comprendes mal todo lo que ves.
>Una actitud en todos nosotros.
>¿Somos realmente tú y yo?
He's hiding, residing deep within the crowd.
A hand out, he'll pull you down.
>Él se oculta mezclándose con la multitud.
>Una limosna, él te sacará dinero.
You've been found guilty, committed every crime,
but still they say you must go free.
Looks like haunted I will be by a fool like you.
That's true.
>Te han declarado culpable de todos los delitos,
>pero aun así dicen que debes quedar en libertad.
>Parece que seré embrujado por un tonto como tú.
>Es cierto.
By a fool like you, by a fool like you.
Looks like haunted I will be by a fool like you.
That's true.
>Por un tonto como tú, por un tonto como tú.
>Parece que seré embrujado por un tonto como tú.
>Es cierto.
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