

It is the voice of your laughter that echoes in vain
in the vessel of your sorrow and pain.
It is the beat of a heart that you hear in your mind.
Something's missing, but you cannot explain.
>Es el tono de tu risa que resuena en vano
>en el cáliz de tu pena y tu dolor.
>Es el latido de un corazón que suena en tu cabeza.
>Algo falta, pero no lo sabes explicar.
You've searched your soul for feeling
over and over now, over and over now.
There is no use in dreaming
over and over now, over and over now.
>Has examinado los sentimientos de tu alma
>una y otra vez, una y otra vez.
>Es inútil soñar
>una y otra vez, una y otra vez.
It is the chain that you're dragging
that was once your relief.
That's like everything that's born to die.
And the birth of a doubt
that was once your belief
is drowning in the tears that you cry.
>Es la cadena que arrastras
>y que una vez fue tu consuelo.
>Eso es como todo lo que nace para morir.
>Y el nacimiento de una duda
>que una vez fue tu creencia
>se ahoga en las lágrimas que viertes.
It all remains a mystery
forever and ever now, ever and ever now.
The things that were are history
forever and ever now, ever and never now.
>Todo continúa siendo cun misterio
>por siempre jamás, eternamente.
>Las cosas que fueron son historia
>por siempre jamás, eternamente.
It's never too late to cry.
It's never too late for goodbyes.
It's never too late to cry.
You know you were born to die.
>Nunca es demasiado tarde para llorar.
>Nunca es demasiado tarde para despedidas.
>Nunca es demasiado tarde para llorar.
>Sabes que naciste para morir.
Oh, God.>Oh, Dios.
If the Messiah is coming, will he be too late
to reconcile our tears with our hate?
And the memory of freedom
that imprisons our heart
as we're greeted by the cold hand of fate.
>Si el Mesías viene, ¿llegará demasiado tarde
>para conciliar nuestras lágrimas con nuestro odio?
>Y el recuerdo de la libertad
>que nos oprime el corazón
>mientras nos acoge la fría mano del destino.
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